Diet and Detox

Diet & Detox

Diet is an essential part of our daily routine that helps us stay fit and not put in those extra kilos. Our diet is based on superfoods that help burn calories.

Kilocalorie Diet

A kilocalorie, or Kcal in abbreviated form, is a measurement of the amount of energy in the foods you eat. Low-energy foods have a relatively small amount of kilocalories, while high-energy foods have a lot of kilocalories. In common usage, non-specialists and consumers refer to kilocalories as calories, although these two terms have different technical definitions.

Diet for weight gain

For some people, gaining weight or adding muscle can be just as difficult as losing weight for others. However, simply adding certain foods to your diet can make your weight gain efforts both healthy and more effective

Diet for Weight loss

For a healthy and fit body, you need to rely on physical activities, especially exercises. Regular workout keeps you fit and healthy. However, if you are overweight you need to lose weight through exercises and adopting a diet chart for weight loss. You will have to follow a diet chart for weight loss along with your workout regimen and stick to it. The weight loss diet chart can have foods that you like however only the healthier ones.

Detox diet

A detox diet is an opportunity to feed your body the nutrients it needs while temporarily cutting out the potentially harmful ingredients like sugar, simple carbs, sweetened drinks, and processed foods.

Diet for pre and post pregnancy

Pregnancy is a very delicate period in life where you prepare yourself mentally and physically for a complete makeover in your life. It is very important to keep in mind that this preparation is not a spontaneous one. If you are planning to start a family, you need to ensure that both your body and mind are ready for that. And, if you are overweight or obese, or had a history of weight, there is a deeper level of preparation that should go into the process